An Analysis of Surface irrigation's Hydraulic Characteristics at a Paddy Field Using a Two-Dimensional Numerical Model
박승우 Park Seung-woo , 박종민 Park Jong-min , 강민구 Kang Min-goo
46(4) 3-11, 2004
An Analysis of Surface irrigation's Hydraulic Characteristics at a Paddy Field Using a Two-Dimensional Numerical Model
박승우 Park Seung-woo , 박종민 Park Jong-min , 강민구 Kang Min-goo
DOI: JKWST Vol.46(No.4) 3-11, 2004
A finite volume model is developed to simulate the surface irrigation at a paddy field. The model's capabilities are validated through comparison with the simulafed results and the observed data obtained by various experimental tests, and the simulated results are in good agreement with the observed pending depth. The result of surface irrigation simulation shows that the longer the paddy field's the length of long-sided becomes, the longer the advance and storage time is taken. To analyze surface irrigation performance with variable inflow rate, three patterns of flow variation-constant rate, initially high then low, and initially low then high-were studied. The results show that at the pattern with initially high followed by low during the latter half of the irrigation the advance time is shortest, but the pending depth of irrigation completion and irrigation effiency are the little difference between irrigation patterns.
Analysis of water balance for pending depth treatment in paddy fields
박기중 Park Ki-jung , 정상옥 Chung Sang-ok , 손성호 Sohn Seung-ho
46(4) 13-21, 2004
Analysis of water balance for pending depth treatment in paddy fields
박기중 Park Ki-jung , 정상옥 Chung Sang-ok , 손성호 Sohn Seung-ho
DOI: JKWST Vol.46(No.4) 13-21, 2004
The purpose of this study was to investigate tile effects of pending depth treatment on water balance in paddy fields. Field experiment was performed in an experimental farm in Taegu, southern part of Korea during the rice growing season In 2001, 2002 and 2003. Experimental plots were three 8m /80m rectangular plots. Three pending depth treatments, very shallow, shallow, and deep were used. Daily values of water balance components were measured in the field.
The irrigation amounts measured at the experimental plots showed that the very shallow and the shallow ponded plots required smaller amount than the deep ponded plot. The shallow ponded plot saved irrigation water about 17.7% compared with the traditional deep ponded plot in 2001 The very shallow ponded plot saved irrigation water about 25.7% compared with the traditional deep ponded Plot in 2002, The shallow ponded plot saved irrigation water about 18% compared with the deep ponded plot in 2003.
Comparative Analysis of Regional and At-site Analysis for the Design Rainfall by Gamma and Non-Gamma Family (I)
류경식 Ryoo Kyong-sik , 이순혁 Lee Soon-hyuk
46(4) 25-36, 2004
Comparative Analysis of Regional and At-site Analysis for the Design Rainfall by Gamma and Non-Gamma Family (I)
류경식 Ryoo Kyong-sik , 이순혁 Lee Soon-hyuk
DOI: JKWST Vol.46(No.4) 25-36, 2004
This study was conducted to derive the design rainfall by the consecutive duration using the at-site frequency analysis.
Using the errors, K-S tests and LH-moment ratios, Log Pearson type 3 (LP3) and Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) distributions of Gamma and Non-Gamma Family, respectively were identified as the optimal probability distributions among applied distributions. Parameters of GEV and LP3 distributions were estimated by the method of L and LH-moments and the Indirect method of moments respectively. Design rainfalls following the consecutive duration were derived by at-site frequency analysis using the observed and simulated data resulted from Monte Carlo techniques. Relative root-mean-square error (RRMSE) and relative efficiency (RE) in RRMSE for the design rainfall derived by at-site analysis in the observed and simulated data were computed and compared.
It has shown that at-site frequency analysis by GEV distribution using L-moments is confirmed as more reliable than that of GEV and LP3 distributions using LH-moments and Indirect method of moments in view of relative efficiency.
An Analysis on Thermal Insulation Effect of Farm Structures Coated with Surface Treatment
서원명 Suh Won-myung , 윤용철 Yoon Yong-cheol
46(4) 39-46, 2004
An Analysis on Thermal Insulation Effect of Farm Structures Coated with Surface Treatment
서원명 Suh Won-myung , 윤용철 Yoon Yong-cheol
DOI: JKWST Vol.46(No.4) 39-46, 2004
This experiment was carried out to study on the effect of surface coating on thermal insulation of farm structures to improve thermal resistance and reflective effect of solar radiation. Nine different types of experimental specimen were compared in the temperature variations of inside and outside; A, B, C, D. E and F types are box container and G, H and I types are drum container. The size of these containers is 1,500×2,000×2,500 mm and □280×330 mm, respectively. Specimen of 3-type box(A, B, C) is galvanized steel sheet of thickness 0.45 mm. D, E and F types are sandwich panel of the thickness 50 mm inserted with urethane, glass wool and polystyrene form, respectively. G, H and I types are paint pot using in general. The surface of A. D, E, F and I types didn't any treatment, B, C and G types were treated with thermal insulation coating on the outside surface(B, G) or the inside and outside surface(C). And H type was treated with water paint coating on the only outside surface. In general, the experimental results showed the following tendencies;
In case of A, B and C types. it was found that the thermal insulation effect of types coated with thermal insulation coating was improved remarkably than that of no treatment. And the thermal insulation effect between steel sheet and sandwich panel type was nearly similar There was not a significant difference of thermal insulation effect between thermal insulation coating and water paint coating. In time of drum container filled with rough rice, The difference of heat transfer tendency and temperature variation among surface treatments was nearly similar that of box types of galvanized steel sheet. And there was time lag about 6 hours between the temperature of middle part of rice and that of inside or outside surface.
Properties of Low Heat Portland Cement Concrete by Changing Temperature of Aggregate
조용진 Cho Yong-chin , 박광수 Park Kwang-su , 신수균 Shin Su-gyun , 원종필 Won Jong-pil
46(4) 49-55, 2004
Properties of Low Heat Portland Cement Concrete by Changing Temperature of Aggregate
조용진 Cho Yong-chin , 박광수 Park Kwang-su , 신수균 Shin Su-gyun , 원종필 Won Jong-pil
DOI: JKWST Vol.46(No.4) 49-55, 2004
Properties of concrete using low heat portland cement is different from using ordinary portland cement and temperature of aggregate can be expected to have an important influence on its properties.
In this study, experiment by setting up 5 levels (40, 30, 20, 4, -2℃) by temperature of aggregate for evaluation properties of concrete using low heat portland cement was conducted. The experiments include slump test, air content test, change of slump, change of air content and compressive strength of concrete test. As the result of experiments, slump and air content was decreased by increasing temperature of aggregate. But it was not exceeding it's limit. Change of slump and air content was rapidly decrease by decreasing temperature of aggregate. At early age, compressive strength was influenced by the temperature of aggregate.
Flow Properties of Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced High flow Concrete
노경희 Noh Kyung-hee , 성찬용 Sung Chan-yong
46(4) 57-63, 2004
Flow Properties of Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced High flow Concrete
노경희 Noh Kyung-hee , 성찬용 Sung Chan-yong
DOI: JKWST Vol.46(No.4) 57-63, 2004
This study was performed to evaluate flow properties of polypropylene fiber reinforced high flow concrete.
Test results were showed that the slump, slump flow and L-type compacting were decreased with increasing the content of polypropylene fiber. But, the Box-type passing and air content were increased with increasing the content of polypropylene fiber.
The slump was 25.5~27.5㎝, the slump flow was 60~65㎝, the Box-type passing was 2~6㎝, the L-type compacting was excellent and air content was 2.7~3.2% by the polypropylene fiber content 0.2%, respectively.
This concrete can be used for high flow concrete.
Development of a Stress Path Search Model of Evolutionary Structural Optimization Using TIN
김남수 Kim Nam-su , 이정재 Lee Jeong-jae , 윤성수 Yoon Seong-soo , 김윤순 Kim Yoon-soon
46(4) 65-71, 2004
Development of a Stress Path Search Model of Evolutionary Structural Optimization Using TIN
김남수 Kim Nam-su , 이정재 Lee Jeong-jae , 윤성수 Yoon Seong-soo , 김윤순 Kim Yoon-soon
DOI: JKWST Vol.46(No.4) 65-71, 2004
Stress Path Search Model of Evolutionary Structural Successive Optimization (SPSMESO) using Triangular Irregular Network(TIN) was developed for improving over burden at initial design of ESO and strict stress direction of strut-and-tie model and truss model. TIN was applied for discretizing structures in flexible stress path and segments of TIN was analyzed as one-dimensional line element for calculating stress. Finally, stress path was searched using ESO algorithm. SPSMESO was efficient to express the direction of stress for 2D structure and time saving.
Evaluation Technique of Seismic Performance on Agricultural Infrastructure - Based on Dynamic Numerical Analysis -
이달원 Lee Dal-won , 김용성 Kim Yong-seong
46(4) 75-84, 2004
Evaluation Technique of Seismic Performance on Agricultural Infrastructure - Based on Dynamic Numerical Analysis -
이달원 Lee Dal-won , 김용성 Kim Yong-seong
DOI: JKWST Vol.46(No.4) 75-84, 2004
The evaluation technique of seismic performance on agricultural infrastructure based on dynamic numerical simulations, which Included a cyclic elasto-plastic and a viscoelastic-viscoplastic constitutive model to actual multi-layered ground conditions during large earthquake were performed by a liquefaction analysis in the present study. From the liquefaction analysis, it was verified that the models can give a good description of the damping characteristics and liquefaction phenomena of ground accurately during large event which induces plastic deformation in large strain range.