Assessment and Classification of Meteorological Drought Severity in North Korea
남원호 Nam Won-ho , 최진용 Choi Jin-yong , 유승환 Yoo Seung-hwan , 장민원 Jang Min-won
50(4) 3-15, 2008
Assessment and Classification of Meteorological Drought Severity in North Korea
남원호 Nam Won-ho , 최진용 Choi Jin-yong , 유승환 Yoo Seung-hwan , 장민원 Jang Min-won
DOI: JKWST Vol.50(No.4) 3-15, 2008
North Korea is one of the most vulnerable countries of the world for drought but still it is difficult to find scientific researches for understanding of the drought characteristics. This study analyzed the temporal and spatial distribution of meterological drought severity and classified the drought development types in North Korea. All eleven drought indices were tested such as seasonal rainfall, PDS, SPI and so on, and then drew the drought risk map by each indicator using frequency analysis and GIS(Geographic Information Systems) for twenty one meteorological stations. In addition meteorological drought characteristics in North Korea was classified to six patterns on Si/Gun administrative units using cluster analysis on the drought indicators. The cluster Ⅲ has the strongly drought-resistant area due to sufficient rainfall and the cluster Ⅴ was considered as the most droughtvulnerable area, Pungsan and Sinpo, because of the severest drought condition for eight drought indicators. The results of this study are expected to be provided for the basic understanding of regionalized drought severity and characteristics confronting the risk of drought from climate variations in North Korea.
Scenario-Based Exposure Risk Assessment of Molinate in a Paddy Plot ; (2) Exposure Risk Assessment
박기중 Park Ki-jung , 정상옥 Chung Sang-ok
50(4) 17-24, 2008
Scenario-Based Exposure Risk Assessment of Molinate in a Paddy Plot ; (2) Exposure Risk Assessment
박기중 Park Ki-jung , 정상옥 Chung Sang-ok
DOI: JKWST Vol.50(No.4) 17-24, 2008
Exposure risk assessment of pesticide molinate using the RICEWQ model in a rice paddy plot was performed to observe the effects of various water and pesticide management scenarios. Several scenarios were developed to represent the specific water and pesticide management practices of rice cultivation in Korea. The results of the scenario analysis using the RICEWQ model simulation from the previous studies were analysed. The molinate risk for aquatic organisms is evaluated by the ratio of the predicted environmental concentration(PEC) and the predicted no-effect concentration(PNEC). The results showed that the no-effect periods for aquatic organisms for the deep, shallow and very shallow irrigation conditions were 33.3, 28.9 and 25.6 DATs for the lable rate application and 36.4, 33.7 and 30.8 DATs for the double lable rate application, respectively. The higher application rate showed greater exposure risk to the aquatic organisms. Based on this study, the withholding period of molinate practiced in Korea, that is 3 to 4 DATs, must be much longer. The results of this study can be used for the non-point source pollution control and environmental policy making regarding pesticides.
Evaluation of Diffusion Property of Latex Modified Concrete
박성기 Park Sung Ki , 원종필 Won Jong Pil , 박찬기 Park Chan Gi
50(4) 27-37, 2008
Evaluation of Diffusion Property of Latex Modified Concrete
박성기 Park Sung Ki , 원종필 Won Jong Pil , 박찬기 Park Chan Gi
DOI: JKWST Vol.50(No.4) 27-37, 2008
It is most serious problem which is various occurs from the agricultural concrete structure and off shore concrete structure the problem which it comes to think is deterioration of the concrete which is caused with the corrosion of the reinforcing steel which is caused by with permeation of the water and the sea water. Specially the off shore concrete structure has been deteriorated by the steel reinforcement corrosion. The latex modified concrete(LMC) was adds latex in the plain concrete as the latex has increase the durability of concrete. This study were accomplished to the estimate the diffusion coefficient of LMC, and the time dependent constants of diffusion. The average chloride diffusion coefficient was estimated. Also, the average chloride diffusion coefficient was compared with diffusion coefficient test results of 28 curing days. The test results indicated that the average chloride diffusion coefficient could closely estimate the test results of the diffusion coefficient test results of 28 curing days.
Monitoring of the Fugitive and Suspended Dust Dispersion at the Reclaimed Land and Neighboring Farms : Monitoring in Gunsan
황현섭 H-s Hwang , 이인복 I-b Lee , 신명호 M-h Shim , 홍세운 S-w Hong , 서일환 I-h Seo , 유재인 J-i Ryu , 이승기 S-k Lee
50(4) 39-50, 2008
Monitoring of the Fugitive and Suspended Dust Dispersion at the Reclaimed Land and Neighboring Farms : Monitoring in Gunsan
황현섭 H-s Hwang , 이인복 I-b Lee , 신명호 M-h Shim , 홍세운 S-w Hong , 서일환 I-h Seo , 유재인 J-i Ryu , 이승기 S-k Lee
DOI: JKWST Vol.50(No.4) 39-50, 2008
A study on fugitive dust dispersion was conducted at Saemanguem reclaimed area located at the west coastal area of Jeon-buk Province Total reclaimed area is 40,100ha developed by building a 33km long sea dike through Gunsan, Gimje, and Buan. (Land: 28,300ha, Fresh Water Lake: 11,800ha) After this area was completely reclaimed in 2006, there has been high possibility of dust generation and dispersion to the neighboring area. The dust generated at the reclaimed land was composed mainly of minerals with high salinity, and it could make harmful effect on crop production as well on to human’s health such as eye irritation and respiratory disease. Especially, when those aerosol particles are reached on the leaves of farm crops, the photosynthesis and respiration of the plants can be under restraint resulting in the decrease of agricultural productivity of the nearby farm areas. Furthermore, highly concentrated salty particles can directly damage the leaf cells. In this study, field experiment has been conducted to regularly measure the locally suspended dust particles and analyze how they were dispersed to the neighboring areas. The collected dust particles were analyzed to examine theirs sizes, concentrations, and components. The SPSS statistical program was also used to separate the dust concentration generated by the reclaimed land from the total dust concentration measured at the measuring locations.
Strategic Planning for Bioenergy Considering Biomass Availability in Rural Area
홍성구 Seong Gu Hong
50(4) 51-58, 2008
Strategic Planning for Bioenergy Considering Biomass Availability in Rural Area
홍성구 Seong Gu Hong
DOI: JKWST Vol.50(No.4) 51-58, 2008
Unit costs for energy production in bioenergy facilities are dependent upon both fixed cost for facility construction and operational costs including biomass feedstock supply. With the increase of capacity, unit fixed cost could be decreased while supply cost tends to increase due to the longer transportation distance. It is desirable to take into account biomass availability in planning bioenergy facilities. A cumulative curve relationship was proposed to relate biomass availability and cumulative products of biomass amount and transportation distance. Optimum size of gasification facilities was affected by collection cost, biomass cumulative relationship. Based on biomass availability of Icheon-City, optimum sizes were about 400kWth for gas production, and about 200kWel for power generation. Unit cost of bioenergy production could be substantially reduced by reducing collection cost through supplying biomass from diverse sources including land development areas where significant amount of waste wood is generated. When planning bioenergy facilities, however, biomass availability and spatial distribution are key factors in determining the size of capacity.
Operational Strategy of Anaerobic Digesters Considering Energy Balance
홍성구 Seong Gu Hong , 권순국 Soon-kuk Kwun
50(4) 59-66, 2008
Operational Strategy of Anaerobic Digesters Considering Energy Balance
홍성구 Seong Gu Hong , 권순국 Soon-kuk Kwun
DOI: JKWST Vol.50(No.4) 59-66, 2008
Anaerobic digestion system is getting more attractive in that it produces biogas in the process of organic waste stabilization. Net energy production is important when biogas production is concerned. In this study, net energy production was evaluated with respect to biogas production and heat losses in a hypothetical digester. Under the condition of digester operation with slurry inflow of 5% of TS, additional fuel is required to maintain digester temperature during the winder season. Substrate therefore, needs to have higher VS contents through co-digestion of silage or food waste that has greater values of methane production rate. Heating input slurry is important in cold season, which covers over 80% of heating requirement. Heat recovery from digestate is valuable to reduce the use of biogas for heating. It seems desirable to minimize slurry inflow when temperature is very low. Psychrophilic digestion may be a feasible option for reducing heating requirement.
Dynamic Analysis of Structure-Fluid-Soil Interaction Problem of a Bridge Subjected to Seismic-Load Using Finite Element Method
류희룡 Hee-yong You , 박영택 Young-tack Park , 이재영 Jae-young Lee
50(4) 67-75, 2008
Dynamic Analysis of Structure-Fluid-Soil Interaction Problem of a Bridge Subjected to Seismic-Load Using Finite Element Method
류희룡 Hee-yong You , 박영택 Young-tack Park , 이재영 Jae-young Lee
DOI: JKWST Vol.50(No.4) 67-75, 2008
In construction facilities such as bridges, the fluid boundary layer(or water film) is formed at the structure-soil interface by the inflow into the system due to rainfall or/and rising ground-water. As a result, the structure-soil interaction(SSI) state changes into the structure-fluid-soil interaction(SFSI) state. In general, construction facilities may be endangered by the inflow of water into the soil foundation. Thus, it is important to predict the dynamic SFSI responses accurately so that the facilities may be properly designed against such dangers. It is desired to have the robust tools of attaining such a purpose. However, there has not been any report of a method for the SFSI analyses. The objective of this study is to propose an efficient method of finite element modelling using the new interface element named hybrid interface element capable of giving reasonable predictions of the dynamic SFSI response. This element enables the simulation of the limited normal tensile resistance and the tangential hydro-plane behaviour, which has not been preceded in the previous studies. The hybrid interface element was tested numerically for its validity and employed in the analysis of SFSI responses of the continuous bridge subjected to seismic load under rainfall or/and rising ground-water condition. It showed that dynamic responses of the continuous bridge resting on direct foundation may be amplified under rainfall condition and consequently lead to significant variation of stresses.
Field Experiment for Developing an Atmospheric Diffusion Model of a Livestock Odor
홍세운 S. -w. Hong , 이인복 I. -b. Lee , 황현섭 H. -s. Hwang , 서일환 I. -h. Seo , 권혁진 H. -j. Kwon , J. P. Bitog , 유재인 J. -i. Yoo , 권경석 K. -s. Kwon , 하태환 T. -h. Ha , 김용희 Y. -h. Kim
50(4) 77-88, 2008
Field Experiment for Developing an Atmospheric Diffusion Model of a Livestock Odor
홍세운 S. -w. Hong , 이인복 I. -b. Lee , 황현섭 H. -s. Hwang , 서일환 I. -h. Seo , 권혁진 H. -j. Kwon , J. P. Bitog , 유재인 J. -i. Yoo , 권경석 K. -s. Kwon , 하태환 T. -h. Ha , 김용희 Y. -h. Kim
DOI: JKWST Vol.50(No.4) 77-88, 2008
Odor is one of the major nuisances in the environment. In most countries, odor annoyance from livestock production is an increasing problem in community. In order to reduce the odor inconvenience and establish a good relation between livestock industries and the surrounding communities, many studies, such as diffusion simulations and field experiments, on the odor dispersion and its reduction have been investigated. These studies need to accompany the aerodynamic approach, as a main mechanism of diffusion phenomenon, and computational fluid dynamics(CFD) can be effectively used to study this kind of research. CFD considers both various wind conditions as well as topographical conditions to study aerodynamic phenomenon. Therefore the ultimate objective of the study was to develop an aerodynamic model to predict qualitatively and quantitatively odor diffusion from livestock. In this study, as the first step of this study, various phenomena and factors of odor diffusion from livestock houses were investigated through field experiments in 2007. Later, those data will be also used to verify the CFD accuracy as well as to develop 3-dimensional CFD model.
Development and Assessment of a Downdraft Gasifier for Biomass Gasification
홍성구 Seong Gu Hong , 심재훈 Jae-hoon Shim
50(4) 89-97, 2008
Development and Assessment of a Downdraft Gasifier for Biomass Gasification
홍성구 Seong Gu Hong , 심재훈 Jae-hoon Shim
DOI: JKWST Vol.50(No.4) 89-97, 2008
A downdraft gasifier was manufactured for biomass gasification. The gasifier was designed based on the principles of gasification presented in previous studies. The pipes of 25mm diameter were used for both supplying air and discharging producer gas. Wood charcoals were mostly used for fuels. The concentration of CO ranged from 25 to 35%, comparable to the values presented in other studies. The temperature outside wall of the gasifier was measured up to 400℃, indicating a great heat loss. When glass wool was cover over the wall, some parts of wire mesh located in the bottom of the reactor were molten down. There were several modifications that should be made in order to improve its efficiency and obtain more stable continuous gasification, including insulation, reduction in pressure loss, durable bottom meshes, the optimum length of reaction part, and safety.
Developing an Energy Consumption Model of Household Unit in Rural Area
리신호 Rhee Shinho , 왕군 Wang Jun , 윤성수 Yoon Seong Soo
50(4) 99-109, 2008
Developing an Energy Consumption Model of Household Unit in Rural Area
리신호 Rhee Shinho , 왕군 Wang Jun , 윤성수 Yoon Seong Soo
DOI: JKWST Vol.50(No.4) 99-109, 2008
As the price of traditional fossil fuels continue to increase, more people attach importance to the pollution of the environment caused by fossil fuel’s burning, developing and using renewable energy resources has become a very important project all over the world. Also, the rural energy planning which is another method to improve energy utilization ratio and reduce environment pollution, is also regarded as a very effective way to reduce the energy consumption. There is a quantity of renewable energy resources and natural tribes in rural area, which is both feasible to develop the renewable energy and the regional energy planning. To carry out this, it is needs to know the area’s quantity of renewable energy resources and the total energy consumption. This paper is to find out the relationship between rural energy consumption and rural conditions, and to found a energy consumption model which can conjecture the energy consumption in rural family. and the cost of rural family's energy consumption was founded to conjecture how much money dose it cost in rural family's energy consumption. The energy consumption model was concluded using the surveys of 76 families in 14 villages at the area of Chungcheongbuk-Do(province). The main factors to energy consumption was selected out which were number of family members, acreage of house, acreage of farmland and family's annual income.