Journal of Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers

Vol.60 No.5

Current Issue
Analysis on the Impact of Climate Change on the Survey of Rural Water District and Agricultural Production Infrastructure

김수진 Kim Soo-jin , 배승종 Bae Seung-jong , 최진용 Choi Jin-yong , 김성필 Kim Seong-pil , 은상규 Eun Sang-kyu , 유승환 Yoo Seung-hwan , 장태일 Jang Tae-il , 고남영 Goh Nam-young , 황세운 Hwang Sye-woon , 김성준 Kim Seong-joon , 박태선 Park Tae-seon , 정경훈 Jeong Kyung-hun , 송석호 Song Suk-ho

60(5) 1-15, 2018


Identifying Priority Area for Nonpoint Source Pollution Management and Setting up Load Reduction Goals using the Load Duration Curve

장선숙 Jang Sun Sook , 지현서 Ji Hyun Seo , 김학관 Kim Hak Kwan

60(5) 17-27, 2018


Simulating Arsenic Concentration Changes in Small Agricultrual Reservoir Using EFDC-WASP Linkage Model

황순호 Hwang Soonho , 신샛별 Shin Sat Byeol , 송정헌 Song Jung-hun , 윤광식 Yoon Kwang Sik , 강문성 Kang Moon Seong

60(5) 29-40, 2018


Watershed-scale Hydrologic Modeling Considering a Detention Effect of Rice Paddy Fields using HSPF Surface-Ftable

성충현 Seong Chounghyun , 오찬성 Oh Chansung , 황세운 Hwang Syewoon

60(5) 41-54, 2018


Surface Cover Effect for Reducing Nitrogen Load in Organic Farming Fields using APEX Model

소현철 So Hyunchul , 장태일 Jang Taeil , 김동현 Kim Dong-hyeon , 설동문 Seol Dong-mun , 윤광식 Yoon Kwangsik

60(5) 55-67, 2018


Climatic Influence on the Water Requirement of Wheat-Rice Cropping System in UCC Command Area of Pakistan

미르자주네이드아흐메드 Mirza Junaid Ahmada , 최경숙 Kyung Sook Choib

60(5) 69-80, 2018


Assessment and Improvement of Monthly Coefficients of Kajiyama Formular on Climate Change

서지호 Seo Jiho , 이동준 Lee Dongjun , 이관재 Lee Gwanjae , 김종건 Kim Jonggun , 김기성 Kim Ki-sung , 임경재 Lim Kyoung Jae

60(5) 81-93, 2018


Exploring the Difficulties Experienced by the Facilitators in the Rural Field Forum

정상숙 Jeong Sangsook , 리신호 Rhee Shinho

60(5) 95-104, 2018


Characteristics of Soil Nutrients by the Application of Rice Straw Ash

강구 Kang Ku , 홍성구 Hong Seong-gu

60(5) 105-113, 2018


Water Supply Alternatives for Drought by Weather Scenarios Considering Resilience: Focusing on Naju Reservoir

박진현 Park Jinhyun , 고재한 Go Jeahan , 조영준 Jo Youngjun , 정경훈 Jung Kyunghun , 성무홍 Sung Muhong , 정형모 Jung Hyoungmo , 박현규 Park Hyunkyu , 유승환 Yoo Seunghwan , 윤광식 Yoon Kwangsik

60(5) 115-124, 2018


Evaluation on the Environmental and Social Value Awareness of the Heat Supply for the Horticultural Greenhouse using Thermal Effluents from Power Plant

김가희 Kim Ga-hee , 안차수 Ahn Cha-soo , 엄병환 Um Byung-hwan

60(5) 125-134, 2018


Combined 1D/2D Inundation Simulation of Riverside Farmland using HEC-RAS

전상민 Jun Sang Min , 송정헌 Song Jung-hun , 최순군 Choi Soon-kun , 이경도 Lee Kyung-do , 강문성 Kang Moon Seong

60(5) 135-147, 2018


Development of Representative GCMs Selection Technique for Uncertainty in Climate Change Scenario

정임국 Jung Imgook , 음형일 Eum Hyung-il , 이은정 Lee Eun-jeong , 박지훈 Park Jihoon , 조재필 Cho Jaepil

60(5) 149-162, 2018


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Korean Society Of Agricultural Engineers President : Jae Gwon Son Business registration number : 220-82-01744

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